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Os Pilares da Criação, conforme registro do telescópio James Webb

The James Webb Telescope takes stunning new photos of the iconic nebula

a The James Webb Telescope captured new images Iconic pillars of creation. The plumes are clouds of dusty hydrogen located in the constellation Serpent, about 6,500 light-years from Earth.

In addition to the amazing images recorded by the telescope, it is important to remember the latter Column records were recorded in 2014 and 1995, both by Hubble.

a web Launched in 2021, it’s a replacement for the Hubble telescope – and it’s even worth seeing The picture is very high quality on the NASA website.

According to scientists, the Pillars of Creation are located at the center of an active star formation region, in the Eagle Nebula, or Messier 16 (M16).

Thanks to infrared light-detection technology, the new Webb images appear more detailed than previous Hubble images, as they are able to show new stars in the formation stage.

“I’ve been studying the Eagle Nebula since the mid-1990s, trying to see ‘inside’ the light-year plumes shown by Hubble, and looking for young stars inside. I always knew that when James Webb took pictures of them, they’d be amazing. And they were,” he says. Professor Mark McGreen, Senior Adviser at the European Space Agency, in an interview with BBC News.

on Wednesday (19), Photos shared by NASAwhich stated that star formation could only be detected due to dust from the plumes, which leads to scattering of light.

Ultraviolet rays from stars near the pillars of creation are responsible for their formation. However, the light radiation from these stars is also ripping apart these huge space constellations. Scientists say that if it was possible to transport to the site at this time, the columns would likely not have been there.

We only see them in James Webb’s images because we’re looking into the past, as the light detected by the telescope dates back to 6,500 years ago.

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