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The internet has overtaken TV as the preferred news medium in the UK

This is the first time this has happened; According to Ofcom, 71% of adults in the country consume news online

Internet has overtaken television for the first time in the UK OfcomBritish Communications Regulatory Authority. Here it is Complete (496 KB) of the report.

According to Ofcom, 71% of adults in the United Kingdom consume news online. Value 1 pp more than 70% who consume news on TV.

The British organization described it as predating the Internet “A Generational Shift in the Balance of News Media”.

The least used site for information by Britons in 2024 is the newspaper (34%). In 2018 it was 51%.

“Newspaper consumption is in long-term decline. Last year, we speculated that the decline might have stopped, but our latest data shows significant downward shifts in consumption of print and digital newspaper formats from 2023 onwards. Radio usage for news has remained steady over the past 2 years.Ofcom said.

Radio will be used by 41% of British people to get information in 2023. This percentage drops to 40% by 2024, highlighting the sustainability cited by Ofcom.

Social networks have increasingly played a role in how people find information in the UK. For example, in 2018, 44% said they used sites to read news. This percentage was 52% by 2024.