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The inauguration of Lula has been witnessed by 17 confirmed heads of state;  Know which ones – politics

The inauguration of Lula has been witnessed by 17 confirmed heads of state; Know which ones – politics

So far, the following have been confirmed: Germany, Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, Guyana, Guinea-Bissau, Paraguay, Portugal, Suriname, Timor-Leste, Uruguay and Zimbabwe.

“The inauguration will be in the presence of the largest number of heads of state,” announced Ambassador Fernando Igreja, in charge of Lula’s inauguration in Itamaraty. The press conference was also attended by future Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira. The inauguration of Jair Bolsonaro (PL), in 2019, was attended by 10 heads of state.

Other countries will be represented by the authorities, such as Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico, Palestine and Turkey. The United States should also send a representative. In response to a question about the possible presence of US Vice President Kamala Harris, Igriga replied, “There is still no confirmation from the US embassy of who will represent the US government.”

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Ambassador Fernando Igreja, President of Itamaraty, confirmed the presence of 17 heads of state at Lula’s inauguration. (photo: clone/youtube)


Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro was also invited to attend the inauguration. However, its presence conflicts with the current relationship with Brazil. Jair Bolsonaro’s government regards Maduro as a dictator, and has severed diplomatic relations with the neighboring country.

“President Maduro, the president of Venezuela, has been contacted and informed, but as to the entry status, he will have to enter before the first day. Until then, there is a barrier to entry for the president and other Venezuelan authorities,” said Egreja, who also said the elected government has not discussed The possibility of a safe conduct with the current management.

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Mauro Vieira, who gave the first speech at the press conference, confirmed that Lula intends to resume relations with Venezuela, as well as with other Latin American countries. “President Lula instructed us to restore relations with Venezuela, initially sending the chargé d’affaires to reopen the buildings we have there, to reopen the embassy,” said the future minister.

When asked if Brazil would fail to recognize Juan Jade as the legitimate president, Vieira did not respond directly. The embassy helps the existing government, the elected government. Maduro government.