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The guy who cleaned the pool sees a black spot in the water and ends up finding out what he doesn’t want

The guy who cleaned the pool sees a black spot in the water and ends up finding out what he doesn’t want

A pool cleaner was working at a client’s home when he came across an uncomfortable sight: a mysterious black spot crawling in the water.

recorded video Show Dave Delucia went viral using a giant sieve — to remove dirt from the pool — on TikTok, mainly because it was completed without showing what the slick was.

The case occurred in Florida (USA) and there it is very common to receive some visits from alligators in homes. However, this time, the animal who wanted to take a fresh bath was another reptile. a look!

@employee You never know what you might be swimming in the pool when you live in it #retweet # mindpool #I understand ♬ original sound – Tik Toker

With the overwhelming response, Dave decided to publish a sequel, finally revealing what the huge black spot at the bottom of the pool was. The fact is that it was a huge iguana, with very sharp teeth and claws.

The pool cleaner was able to remove the animal safely and ended up discovering that the iguana was living on the land next to the customer’s home.

According to the professional, there are many fruit trees and exotic trees. Therefore, suppose that the reptile might fall from one of them directly into the pond.

Watch the second part!

@employee None of the iguanas in this video were injured. 🇧🇷 # iguana # verses # savior #invasive species ♬ Jurassic Park Theme – VOID
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