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The government pays a “bonus” to those who won more than R,903.99 in 2021

The government pays a “bonus” to those who won more than R$1,903.99 in 2021

Receive some money there is no time or moment. And nothing is better than enjoying the right to values ​​related to the efforts put into our work, right? This is what the “bonus” from the federal government offers to Brazilian workers who received amounts of more than R$1,903.99 per month in 2021.

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This value is not more than Income tax refund for 2022. If the citizen’s salary is above R$1,903.99 last year and submit the permit with tax authority Until the due date, it is possible to receive this”Cashback“In the coming months.

Why is the amount refunded to the citizen?

IR is refunded because not all expenses paid by the taxpayer during the calendar year are subject to tax.

That is, to those who pay more taxes than they owe in a period of one year, the money is returned in the form of a refund – the so-called “CashbackFrom the government.

How is the income tax refund amount increased?

One way to reduce the amount of applicable tax, that is, your tax base, is to introduce deductible expenses. Education, alimony, health and expenses with dependents may be included.

Therefore, the more the taxpayer withholds, the less tax he will pay and the more the government will pay.

When will IR 2022 refunds be made?

Tax refund payments are made in instalments. Note this year’s schedule:

  • The first batch: May 31
  • The second installment: June 30;
  • third batch: July 29
  • Fourth batch: August 31
  • Fifth batch: September 30.
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The first batches have priority for receipt which includes the elderly, people with disabilities, critical illnesses and teachers. The IRS releases from Tuesday 24 this day Consultation for the first batch of income tax refund 2022.