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The government is considering taxing international purchases up to US

The government is considering taxing international purchases up to US$50

The Ministry of Finance must set the import tax rate on online purchases at up to US$50 (about R$250) in 2023. This is the rate the government has set at zero for companies that have joined Remessa Compliance, a program created to regulate operations. International online purchasing.

For those in a hurry:

  • The Ministry of Finance plans to set the import tax rate on online purchases at up to US$50 by the end of 2023;
  • Currently, the government is resetting this rate to zero for companies that have joined the Remessa Compliance programme, which regulates international online purchases;
  • The goal is to find a rate that balances competition with national retailers, who oppose the tax break, claiming unfair competition;
  • Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, Dario Dorrigan, indicated the possibility of imposing a 20% tax on international purchases of up to US$50.

Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, Dario Dorrigan, said the goal is to calibrate a rate that provides equality to national retailers, who oppose the abolition of the import tax, claiming unfair competition.

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We will be able to calibrate a tax rate on e-commerce that provides equality to national retail trade. Our interest is in national retail trade and, in particular, in the jobs that retail trade creates. Therefore, we worked so that this year we could solve the problem as soon as possible.

Dario Dorrigan, Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, speaking to reporters

Import tax rate

At the beginning of September, Dorrigan had already announced that the government was considering introducing a 20% tax rate on international purchases of up to US$50.

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The goal will be to meet the demands of national companies, but with a lower rate than the currently expected 60% for purchases exceeding this value.

In the case of companies that are not regulated by Remessa Conformo, the 60% rate applies to all items, regardless of value.

Additionally, on purchases of any value, there is a 17% ICMS fee. The state tax was determined to be approved in 2023, after coordination between the Ministry of Finance and representatives of federal agencies.