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The giant Bank of Brazil makes a disturbing announcement

The giant Bank of Brazil makes a disturbing announcement

Urgent: The giant Bank of Brazil makes a disturbing announcement

One Bank giant in Brazil One of the most used by the population, it issues an alarming alert that reaches its customers, and you should be aware, so as not to be surprised.

Advertising directly affecting those who use the credit card is Banco N26, which has installed in the country with the promise of reshaping the banking sector.

The financial institution began contacting its customers via e-mail.com with an alarming message that made everyone very angry.

N26 has issued a troubling warning to its customers (Reproduction: Internet)
N26 has issued a troubling warning to its customers (Reproduction: Internet)

This is because N26 intends to reduce the credit limit of its cards to below R$100, and it was reported that this change will happen from June 19th.

“You accepted our credit offer a few months ago, but we noticed that you haven’t used your N26 credit card yet. Protecting your account is one of our biggest concerns, so we plan to reduce your account limit to R$100 starting June 19,” the statement reads.

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But the financial institution has also advised its customers to avoid credit reduction, and its customers have until June 16 to start using the card more frequently.

“If you want to keep your existing credit limit, just start using your card. You have until June 16 to do so,” N26 advised.

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Users have to start using their credit card, so as not to reduce the limit (Reproduction: Internet)
Users have to start using their credit card, so as not to reduce the limit (Reproduction: Internet)

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