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The former Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation talks about development opportunities for the Amazon and Acre in a lecture

Former Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Cleo Campolina Diniz, delivered a lecture titled “Scientific and Technological Changes and Development Opportunities for the Amazon and Acre on the second Monday afternoon in Rio Branco”. This event is part of the second technical visit of a team from the Center for Development and Regional Planning (Cedeplar) of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), to conduct a socio-economic diagnosis in Acre 60 years: past, present and future project. The team stays on schedule in the state all week.

The former Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Clelio Campolina Diniz, gave a lecture. Photo: Neto Lucena / Secom

The Secretary of Planning and Administration of Acre (Sieplag), Ricardo Brandao, was invited to compose the ceremony instrument. Ronaldo Polanco, Head of the Auditors Bureau of Acre State; Secretary of Science and Technology of Acre (Seict), Assurbanipal Barbary de Mesquita; Bruno Pena, head of Embrapa in Acre. He is a professor at the Federal University of Acre (Ufac) and a visiting researcher at the Institute for Applied Economic Research (Ipea) Cristóvão Henrique.

Photo: Neto Lucena / Secom

The Socio-Economic Diagnosis of Acre 60 is an agreement between TCE/AC, the state government and the legislature for the employment of a consulting firm that will lead to the diagnosis of the economic development of the state of Acre.

For Minister Ricardo Brandao, the lecture, which is also part of the activities of the Postgraduate Course of Planning, Organization and Sustainability in Public Administration, aimed at civil servants, and given by the State, has further enriched the work that Cedeplar does by preparing diagnostics.

Photo: Neto Lucena / Secom

He explained, “Professor Clelio presents us today with a very interesting topic, which is actually looking for viable alternatives to finance and generate wealth and income in our state, and the discussion of technological and scientific changes is crucial in this new moment.”

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He added: “Today’s event is specifically aimed at: to spark reflection in the participants, in the authorities, to understand that the development and economic growth of the population necessarily passes through the search for scientific knowledge and investment in new technologies and innovations.”

“Professor Campolina’s lecture is a great opportunity for us to update ourselves on science issues in the country and in the world as well. Prof. Campolina, who was Minister of Science and Technology, has a lot of experience in this field,” says Marque Brito, Head of Studies, Research and Indicators Department.

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