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The former McDonald’s boss gives advice on how to tell if a unit is good or not

The former McDonald’s boss gives advice on how to tell if a unit is good or not

For you, what drives your passion for fast food that you will master? Prep time? Dedication to putting together your own snacks? If the wait exceeds five minutes, this may be a sign that the drive management is not ideal. At least that’s what Mike Harach, former president of McDonald’s.

The young man, who recently went viral on TikTok due to his videos of McDonald’s, shared interesting information about the management and operations of the famous fast food.

According to him, details such as wait time, staff training and order sequence can reveal whether a McDonald’s unit is well managed or not.

How do you know if a McDonald’s unit is good?

Mike says there is a very simple test to determine the quality of a McDonald’s unit. According to him, you should visit the store during peak hours and order 10 cheeseburgers.

If you want, you can make a few changes to these burgers, and if you receive your full order in less than five minutes with all the right modifications, that’s proof you’re in a good place. McDonald’s Well managed.

During peak times, the unit’s capability is really tested. This is because, according to Harakes, if the unit cannot handle it, it may run into administrative problems. There may be deeper issues that are not known and need to be alerted to management, for example.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Mike confirmed that the company’s standards state that a simple order must be prepared in a maximum of 120 seconds.

Time varies depending on the complexity of the order, but speed is essential to meet brand standards. It also indicates that the test must be carried out within fast foodnot in command.

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