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The Fiocruz Women and Girls in Science file is available for download

Download the publication for free here.

In order to stimulate discussion about science from a gender perspective, the Science Publishing Coordination, associated with the Vice President of Education, Information and Communications at Vuecruz, will launch the digital version of the Thematic Profile Women and Girls in Science. The launch will take place during the Women and Girls in Science Working Group meeting on Tuesday, April 26, 2022.

The file collects contributions from the many women who work at Fiocruz in ST&I research, in education, but also in some core and strategic areas such as communication, information and assistance, health planning and management. The publication aims to reinforce the need for an increasingly diverse and plural institutional environment, giving greater insight into the work women develop, as well as supporting initiatives aimed at engaging more girls in science. In this way, the book’s organizers, who are responsible for the Fiocruz Women and Girls in Science program, point out that the texts presented largely reflect the actions and projects being developed at the institution.

The file is available for download on the Fiocruz portal and on Girls and women program on Instagramafter launch.

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