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The FEI is holding a free event for entrance exams in engineering, management, data science and computer science

The FEI is holding a free event for entrance exams in engineering, management, data science and computer science

The registration deadline for the selection process at the São Paulo Business School (FGV EAESP) of the Fundação Getulio Vargas for candidates via Enem and international examinations ends next Friday (17), at 6 p.m. The registration fee for Enem is R$ 50.00 and the registration fee for international exams is R$ 150.00.

Registration must be done exclusively by location, where the notice is also posted. In total, there will be 250 vacancies for the business course during the day, 196 of them via entrance exam, 10 via Enem, and 34 for international selection processes – IB (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme), ABITUR (exam that qualifies the student for higher education in Germany) , BAC (a test that qualifies a student for admission to higher education in France) and SAT (an American exam similar to the Enem) – and 10 for Social Demand and Diversity (the candidate must have completed high school grades in a public school, or in a private school with a 100% scholarship due to need economic, or if they declare themselves black, mixed race or indigenous.

As FGV EAESP celebrates its 70th anniversary, it brings great news: an innovative and completely sustainable building, located on Rua Professor Picarolo, 63 years old; A new curriculum through which you can choose an area of ​​knowledge and delve into it (there are 10 areas: Business Economics; Business and Law; Data Science; Finance; Innovation and Entrepreneurship; International Business and Global Management; Leadership and Management). People Management, Operations, Sourcing Management and Sustainability); Vacancies due to social demand and diversity.

FGV EAESP tests and results

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Tests are administered in person. The candidate must carry the document: Original Identity Card (RG) or National Register of Migration (RNM) and with a recent photo. It should be noted that transcripts or xerographic documents that make it difficult to effectively identify participants will not be accepted. Admission candidates will be able to take tests in the following cities: São Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasilia (DF), Belo Horizonte (MG), Campinas (SP), Campo Grande (MS), Cuiaba (MT), Curitiba (PR), Fortaleza (CE), Goiânia (GO), Recife (PE), Ribeirão Preto (SP), Salvador (BA), São José dos Campos (SP), São Luís (MA), Uberlandia (MG), Natal (RN), Porto Alegre (RS) and Manaus (AM). When registering, the candidate must choose 3 cities, with São Paulo mandatory as one of the options.

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There will be exams only in cities with equal or more than 20 candidates registered for First Choice. If the first and second options cannot be met, the selection process will be carried out in the city of São Paulo.

About the selection process

The selection process consists of two stages, with the first stage consisting of two modules (thematic and discursive) and the second stage consisting of an oral examination.

Objective questions, lasting 3 1/2 hours, will include mathematics; Humanities (history, geography, current affairs); Portuguese and English. In the rhetorical unit there will be 3 hours of writing and an applied mathematics test.

The first phase tests are scheduled for June 9. Phase 1 grades will be published from 6pm on June 24, and participants will also undergo an oral exam which will be administered between June 26 and July 3. The final result will be published as of 6pm on July 8, including the selection process via Enem. For international exams, the results are on July 22.


Merit-based scholarships will be awarded to those who secured first place in the entrance examination process and non-refundable scholarships will be awarded to students experiencing economic hardship. In addition, the FGV EAESP grants undergraduate students proven need-funding for scholarships with mandatory interest-free repayment, updated by the IPCA variation.

More information about the FGV EAESP entrance examination can be obtained by calling (11) 3799-7711 (São Paulo and Greater São Paulo), 0800 770 0423 (other locations), as well as by email at [email protected].