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The Farm 2021: Arcrebian on Rico’s stance: ‘The Brazilian way’

The Farm 2021: Arcrebian on Rico’s stance: ‘The Brazilian way’

After advising Sthe Matos to put himself in the game, Bill Araujo commented on the position of Rico Melquiades, in the outer region of the bay, at dawn today, in “farm 13 inches (RecordTV).

previousBBB, the comedian has the “Brazilian Way” and is among the top five finalists in the race for a prize of R$1.5 million.

I, Bale are thinking, we can’t say who are the finalists, but there are the top five that Brazil really wants. Rico is at this top, but who he is, we don’t know.

“I have no idea either. He delivers what reality Do you want, right? ‘” Sti noted. “So he has a very ‘Brazilian’ side,” Bill said, adding:

Funny side, modern side, do you get that? So funny and useful as hell […] If it’s just flaws, then yes, but it has many qualities.

Siti said he also analyzed it this way and the two speculated, without naming names, about people who could go with Rico and get them eliminated from the game, as was the case with Erasmo Viana, last night.

After eliminating Erasmo Viana, who deserves to win the reality show?


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


    Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV

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