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The family goes against Wanessa's “pledge of silence” and sets up a shack outside BBB 24 · TV News

The family goes against Wanessa's “pledge of silence” and sets up a shack outside BBB 24 · TV News

Wanessa Camargo entered BBB 24 ready to stay out of the limelight regarding her family's battles, but it seems like the singer's relatives aren't very cooperative with this decision. Since the announcement of the artist's presence in the reality box, there has been a punch on Zilu Godui's Graciele Lacerda and a sharp exchange between Igor Camargo and Zezé.

The presence of Dado Dolabella's girlfriend in the confinement program sparked euphoria among netizens, who believed she could reveal details of various family feuds.

However, Wanisa threw cold water on the public by making it clear that she has no intention of addressing these issues. “What concerns third parties, I have no right to expose it there. The latest gossip, the story of stepmother and father, you will see in the gossip, I am not here for that. I am here to play with myself,” he explained to Gshow: “My intention is for people to see Wanisa.” “Not father, mother and son.”

In fact, Gracielli surprised her followers by declaring her support for her stepdaughter. “We are with you,” she wrote on Instagram Stories. This situation caused shock because the influencer herself admitted that she had difficulty establishing a relationship with the country singer in the past.

Zilu did not like seeing the post of Zezé Di Camargo's current wife. “Do you really think this lady is supporting Wanisa? It's very hypocritical of her, she should keep her mouth shut,” said the businesswoman who broke up with the singer in 2012.

Fighting over fake profile

Last year, Wanessa and Gracielli were embroiled in another controversy when Amabelle Iroa, Igor Camargo's wife, accused the influencer of creating a fake social media profile to attack Zizi's family.

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Wanessa would not give up suing her stepmother until she had a conversation with her father. According to Igor, his sister preferred to escape from legal problems so as not to harm the citizen’s image.

The singer also recorded a video clip alongside her sister, Camila Camargo, to put an end to rumors about family disputes.

After a while, the model admitted that she had actually created a fake profile in the name of Priscila Dantas, but denied any wrongdoing.

As soon as details of the fight emerged with Wanessa entering the BBB, Zizi spoke about the supposed rift between the woman and the heiress. The artist said: “What is present is an accusation made by the girl who lives with my son. This accusation is under investigation by the courts.”

The veteran added in a post by journalist Fabia Oliveira on Instagram: “Wanessa and Gracielli are together in the same operation to find out who made these comments.”

Igor did not hesitate to publicly refute his father and defend his beloved once again. “One correction: She's my wife who's been with me for 15 years. Not the girl who lives with me,” he replied in the same post. Amabile is still unable to talk about the case due to the court ruling.

Wanessa Gracieli hit?

The public also highlighted the confusion between the owner of the hit song Amor, Amor and her stepmother in 2016. The singer was accused of attacking Graciele, and Zezé had to clarify the facts at the time.

He said, “This story about the beating, which the bad guys are keen to spread: Yes, it happened! It is not a beating, but a cowardly and unexpected assault.”

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“We were at a friend’s house, when Wanessa showed up. She arrived from behind, without anyone seeing, completely out of her mind, probably drunk, and attacked [Graciele]. There was a hair-pulling from behind, and as no one expected, Gracielli fell. But it was nothing more than that,” the citizen added.

Like or hate?

At the BBB 24 premiere on Monday (8), Zilu made fun of her daughter when she saw her doing chores in confinement. He wrote on Instagram: “Guys, this is the first time I see my daughter Wanessa washing dishes!”

Luciano Camargo's ex-wife, Cleo Loyola, also commented on her niece's former participation in Big Brother Brasil and said that the singer does not deserve the award.

“no [vou torcer], impossible. A lot of people came, I don't know who they are yet, I know Wanessa came because a lot of people messaged me here, but I will support someone who really needs to win the prize to buy their own house, provide a good structure for their family,” she shot.