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The entire Board of Directors of the Health Foundation falls

The entire Board of Directors of the Health Foundation falls

Ten days after revealing cases of HIV-positive organ transplants that infected patients, the Rio state government announced the change of the entire board of directors of the health institution. Governor Claudio Castro announced the decision this Monday, and there is still no name to replace Director General João Ricardo da Silva Pilotto.

  • HIV-infected organs: See the contradictions in the testimonies of investigators in the case
  • 39 violations: A report from the State Institute of Cardiology was submitted at the maximum level days before the health monitoring of the unit was closed

In the coming days, the current position holders will leave the organization’s six directorates: executive, administrative and financial, human resources, planning and management, and technical and legal assistance.

João Ricardo da Silva Piloto was appointed to the position in January 2016, in Congressman Dotor Luisinho’s first assignment as Secretary of State for Health, where Piloto ran, for two years, the Hospital Geral de Nova Iguaçu (HGNI), in Baixada Fluminense. The secretary was also at the helm. Nova Iguaçu is the main electoral base of Dotor Luisinho.

  • Promoter: “The people investigated have already produced dozens of false positive and negative results for HIV, including in tests on children.”

This Sunday, O GLOBO revealed that at Fundação Saúde, what was supposed to be an exception has become the rule: since 2021, recruitment processes have become considered emergency – which the foundation conducts without bids and which, by law, must only take place on an exceptional basis. – It goes beyond those conducted through public competitions. This year, the total value of contracts signed without bids by the authority is three times what is produced by electronic auctions.

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According to data from the Integrated Acquisition Management System (Siga) collected by GLOBO, as of October the organization signed 292 contingent contracts with a combined value exceeding R$911 million; The total of the 60 contracts with the e-auction amounts to R$302 million. Last year, the discrepancy was even greater: 618 contracts with a global value of R$1.6 billion were signed without bidding, compared to only 139 contracts resulting from competitions worth R$372 million.

As O GLOBO showed on Sunday, the Health Foundation’s recruitment policy is the target of audits by the State Court of Auditors (TCE) and criticism from experts. A report released by the agency in April this year states that the volume of no-bid contracts is “the result of a lack of planning, negligence, or mismanagement.” The text notes that “tender exemption work is an alternative resource available to the Director-General to manage exceptions. However, the Health Foundation Director used it as a rule to be applied to carry out the hiring,” TCE auditors said in the document.

Created in 2007 as an alternative to hiring professionals and purchasing inputs more quickly than direct management, the Health Foundation gained ground in 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic, in the midst of a crisis caused by complaints about irregularities in construction fields. Hospitals by OS Iabas. This episode culminated in the dismissal of the then Governor Wilson Wetzel and the approval of a law requiring the state to take over all health units that were managed by the OSs – thus, the institution ended up gradually absorbing the management of UPAs, hospitals and institutes.

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The state government reported in a statement that Governor Claudio Castro accepted the resignation of the Board of Directors of the Health Foundation, which was submitted Monday morning. The statement stated that “this measure increases transparency and ensures that there is no interference in the investigations already set by the state government,” and that “the State Secretariat of Health is committed to maintaining the provision of services to the population, and soon.” The new board of directors will be announced.”