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The Education Committee will discuss Science and Technology in Education this Tuesday – General

The Education Committee will discuss Science and Technology in Education this Tuesday – General

The meeting will be held from 2 pm, in the Capo Almi meeting room, in Casa de Lys

The Education Committee will discuss Science and Technology in Education this Tuesday – General
(Photo: Wagner Guimarães/Alims)

The Committee on Education, Culture and Sports of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul (ALEMS) meets this Tuesday (2) with the Secretary of State for Education (SED), Professor Hélio Queiroz Daher, to discuss the topic: “Dialogues between Science and Technology in Basic Education”.

The meeting will be held from two o'clock in the afternoon, in the Capo Almi meeting room, Casa de Lis. Invited speakers are Professors Cecilia Nascimento, from the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS); and Claudia Roma, from the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD), and a representative of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC).

MP Gless Jane (PT) explains that the meeting will be to present the projects. “Both UFGD and UEMS, in partnership with the state Department of Education [SED]Teachers come to present these projects to the Education Committee. They work on the university's relationship with basic education, science and technology. The goal is to stimulate these partnerships,” the parliamentarian highlighted.

The Committee is chaired by State Representative Professor Reynaldo Modesto (Podemos), and consists of Representatives Junior Mucci (MDB), Vice-President; Pedro Carafena (PSDB) and Representative Mara Casero (PSDB), Third Vice-President of the Legislative Assembly.

Goal – The Education, Culture and Sports Authority deals with matters relating to education in general, the country's sports system, cultural development including historical, geographical, archaeological, cultural and artistic heritage, cultural conventions and conventions, commemorative dates, civic honours, entertainment and the public. Spectacles, manifestations of thought, expression of artistic activity, and social communication.

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(With information from ALEMS press office)