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The departure of Diolan and Petala could bring problems for the farm’s future – 06/12/2022

The departure of Diolan and Petala could bring problems for the farm’s future – 06/12/2022

At the beginning farm 14, no one could have guessed that Deolane and Pétala would leave the game through the back door. This turn of events affects the planning for the final weeks of reality show of Record and may encourage more dropouts.

However, what should cause A Fazenda direction a headache is the message that the liquidations send to the participants of the upcoming editions as well as to the public.

Until then, it was not uncommon for participants to leave reality at the behest of family members. From now on, you can become. After all, the Deolane and Pétala cases could serve as an example and a precedent if future farmworker families take the case to court.

This whole situation could have been avoided if A Fazenda had been more transparent with the audience and the participants themselves. The lack of clear information fueled conspiracy theories and drove family members to take extreme measures.

It’s clearly not all Record’s fault, however, as the departures of Dewlan and Pitala bring a great deal of lack of fair play. Surely, they didn’t know how to lose at Roca Valsa, and neither did their families.

Deolin’s condition raises suspicions, because the mother has already been hospitalised. However, the sudden layoff after the lawyer left the program and the sister’s departure to Farofa da Gkay could lead to disbelief in the story presented. Petala’s withdrawal does not breed mistrust, only the certainty that she and her family do not know how to lose.

In this whole feud, the one who really loses is the audience. If A Fazenda does not change its regulations and become more transparent, we will have more Deolanes and Pétalas in the next editions.

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