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The deadline for withdrawal of the PIS / Pasep allowance ends on Wednesday (30);  See who has the right |  Economie

The deadline for withdrawal of the PIS / Pasep allowance ends on Wednesday (30); See who has the right | Economie

The deadline for PIS/Pasep withdrawal ends this Wednesday (30th). More than 467,000 Brazilians have not yet withdrawn nearly R$309 million from their salary bonus for the period 2020-2021.

In case PISthat are paid to workers in the private sector, no more than 327,000 workers have withdrawn the entitlement, with a total amount of 214 million Brazilian riyals, according to Federal Savings Bank on Friday (25).

about BASIP, which is paid by Bank of Brazil For public sector workers, about 140,000 have not yet withdrawn the bonus, with a total balance of R$95 million, according to the bank.

The payment schedule began in 2020 and takes into account the month of birth and the final registration number.

Workers who don’t quit until Wednesday should wait Beginning of the next salary bonus calendar, scheduled only for 2022. In accordance with the applicable rules, the right to PIS / Pasep values ​​is guaranteed for a period of five years.

Workers have until June 30 to withdraw the salary bonus
Workers have until June 30 to withdraw the salary bonus

Workers have until June 30 to withdraw the salary bonus

What is the value and who is entitled to it?

The value of the PIS-Pasep 2020-2021 ranges from R$92 to R$1,100, depending on the period of official employment in 2019. Those who worked for 12 months from 2019 will receive only the total amount of the minimum wage.

Approximately 23 million workers receive benefits annually.

To be eligible, a worker needs to:

How do you consult and how do you get out?

To withdraw the PIS allowance, workers with a registered citizen card and password can go to a Caixa ATM or to a lottery shop. If you do not have a citizen card, you can receive the payment at any Caixa branch, upon presentation of an identity document.

Caixa reports that it has already paid R$17 billion to 22 million workers, of which 6.3 million have received a digital social savings account. Workers who do not have any other type of checking or savings account at the bank can use the funds through the Caixa Tem app.

Information about PIS can also be obtained by calling the Caixa phone number 0800-726-02-07. The worker can still make an appointment on the site. www.caixa.gov.br/abonosalarial. For this, you must have your NIS (PIS/Pasep) number on hand.

For public officials entitled to Pasep and Banco do Brasil account holders, credits are transferred to an account automatically. For other beneficiaries, payments can be made via TED, free of charge, at agencies or on the website www.bb.com.br/pasep.

Next PIS / Pasep Bonus Payment Schedule It will only start in 2022. The decision was taken by the Consultative Council of the Workers’ Support Fund (Codefat), which is made up of representatives of the government, workers and employers.

Prior to this, allotments were paid from the second half of each year. With the new calendar, the provisioning amounts are scheduled to begin in January 2022.