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The deadline for creditors to join the new phase of Desenrola ends today – News

The deadline for creditors to join the new phase of Desenrola ends today – News

Banks, retailers, water, gas and electricity supply companies that wish to participate in Desenrola Brasil have Until Tuesday (12) to register. Companies that have amounts to receive in relation to the first track of the programme, which targets customers with a monthly income up to the minimum wage or registered with CadÚnico and with debts of up to R$5,000, can register.

Interested parties must Access the creditors portal of the Desenrola Brasil Program And inform the CNPJ with a digital certificate. On this page, in addition to joining the program, companies need to specify the debts they are owed to receive and update the corresponding amounts.

The deadline for creditor registration started on August 28 and was supposed to end last Saturday (9), but was extended by the MF (Ministry of Finance) until Tuesday. Legal entities that denied delinquent consumers between the beginning of 2019 and the end of 2022 can register for Track 1 compliance, as long as the denial remains in effect until June 27 of this year.

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Eligible companies will receive debt payments in cash, starting from the end of September, which is when the government expects the third phase of Desenrola to begin.

After initial registration, the qualification of companies involves a competitive process, in the form of an auction for the highest discount on offer, through which debts entitled to risk coverage will be determined by the FGO (Operations Guarantee Fund) of the National Treasury.

The deadline for creditors to offer discounts at the auction has not yet been announced. The Ministry says that this information will be available after the closing of registration on the creditors portal and on… Desinerola website.

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Track 1 from Desenrola Brasil

Scope 1 of the program includes bank and non-bank debts for clients whose income reaches the minimum wage (R$2,640) or registered in CadÚnico (the unified register of social programs of the federal government), as long as the negative amounts do not exceed R$5,000.

According to the ministry, the new phase should reach and settle the largest number of beneficiaries of the program, which will enable people to be qualified for credit, boost companies’ business and enhance economic activity.

Consumers who meet the Tier 1 criteria will have the opportunity to renegotiate their debts directly with eligible institutions, and repay their debts in cash with the original creditors, which will allow them to return to consumption.

“Desenrola is a palliative solution in the fight against management problems in the personal finances of the population, and this is the first observation to be made,” says Reynaldo Domingos, PhD. “It is an opportunity for compliance.” in Financial Education and President of Abefin ​​(Brazilian Association of Financial Education Professionals).

“Citizens must realize that they will replace default with debt, that is, the debt will not end after renegotiation. They will remain in debt, which only partially solves the problem. It will still be necessary to pay debt installments,” he adds, adding that the renegotiated contract could be up to 60 years.

Guidance for defaulters and debtors

Currently, only companies with outstanding debts can register on the Desenrola Brasil platform. Therefore, the Fund advises debtors who intend to renegotiate late payments to review their data in government systems.

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They should take advantage of this period to create an account or update information already registered on the site gov.br portal. In the future, to access the software system, you will need a profile with a Silver or Gold certification. Guidance on enrollment and account levels is available In this link.

Moreover, it is necessary to check the size of the current debt and find out the real amount of the debt and what is related to the interest. Then, the possible installment amounts that are commensurate with the family’s monthly budget must be evaluated.

“Discovering this number is the most important step in renegotiating before signing the contract. The financial resources needed to pay the installments must be within the budget. In order not to end up contracting a larger debt, it is necessary to search for a financial loan.” “Balance, calculate how much the family earns and how much they spend to support themselves,” says Domingos, of Apivine.

The expert says that the ideal solution is to change the financial behavior that led to default. “A good exercise for this is to present the situation to each member of the family and discuss together what adjustments will be necessary to the standard of living, and determine where excesses will be reduced.”

Domingos says that the monthly consumption of Brazilian families is equivalent to between 20% and 50% of salaries on average. “It is already difficult to pay daily bills. This shows that pre-calculating the portion that fits within the budget is essential,” he says.

“Most debtors sign debt renegotiation contracts without caring about the cause of this problem. If this “homework” is not done, it may be better not to renegotiate. The advice to the consumer is to close the contract only if the new debt “does not carry the interest that is charged.” currently available,” explains the expert.

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He believes that a good renegotiation should lead to a reduction ranging between 70% to 90% of the original value of the debt. “The idea is to escape the exorbitant interest rates that have already been added to the primary debt. If it is not possible to reduce this surplus, perhaps the best way is to remain passive and wait for another opportunity to reach an agreement, on more favorable terms.” “Concludes Domingos.

The program has already scanned the names of 10 million people with debts of up to R$100

Through Desenrola Brasil, 10 million people with debts of up to R$100 were able to keep their names clean, MF reported on Sunday (10). The automatic “decline”, implemented by participating banks, is part of the first phase of the programme.

According to the Vibraban (Brazilian Banking Association)The programme, launched by Lula’s government in July, closed 1.6 million debt contracts negotiated in 2010. With a total value of R$ 11.7 billion, exclusively for Track 2. It includes residents whose monthly income ranges between the minimum wage and R$20,000.

From July 17 to September 1, 1.25 million banking customers took advantage of Desenrola. The operations of this new phase will be guaranteed by R$8 billion from FGO. All phases of the program are expected to end on December 31.