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The Covid-19 Committee Discusses Public Education Difficulties Due to the Pandemic – Rádio Senado

A public hearing

Will the gap between public and private school students increase due to the reduction in the number of classrooms? What is the federal government doing to facilitate distance learning? These questions were posed by Senator Stephenson Valentim (Pode-RN) to the Minister of Science and Technology, Marcus Pontes, at the CT-Covid meeting.

05/26/2021, 12h40 – Updated 05/26/2021, 12:40 PM

Voice Duration: 01:54

Valdemir Barreto / Agência Senado

Location: Will the abyss between students from public and private networks grow due to the shrinking of current classrooms? What is the federal government doing to facilitate distance education? Location: These questions were posed to the Minister of Science and Technology at the Senate Provisional Committee meeting accompanying measures to combat the epidemic. The report by Bruno Lorenau: (Reporter) If the private school system ended up taking lessons online, the scenario was different in the public school system, says Stevenson Valentim, a senator for the city of Powder from Rio Grande do Norte. Without internet access and with regional differences, teachers and students often had to improvise or curtail content. Styvenson Valentim has expressed concern about this gap that may increase in Brazilian education. (Styvenson Valentim) We have a gap of about two years, where public school students don’t have a chip, they don’t have a computer, they don’t attend class, and they don’t have stipulations. Would the federal government not be able to promote video lessons remotely, on television, where the Internet is not available to everyone? I saw this happen during the sprint. That was for a short while, but it happened. (Reporter): The Minister of Science and Technology, Marcos Pontes, stated that when the bag was still in charge of communications, he set up networks to bring the Internet to schools. He cited a decree facilitating the use of digital television for distance learning. (Marcus Pontes) And for that, we created multi-programming. It was a decree that I launched last year, that TV sets and channels can separate their channels into four channels, sub-channels; One or three others, one for regular programming and the other three can be used for education, science or health. This has been preserved, expanded, and expanded now in the Ministry of Communications. So, I hope this continues. (Reporter): One study indicated that the learning effect from the Covid-19 pandemic was greater among younger students. Students in the fifth grade of elementary school in the public system in São Paulo had worse grades with the transition to distance education compared to the ninth and third grades of high school. From Rádio Senado, Bruno Lourenço.

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