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The cooperative benefits hundreds of people through “day to collaborate”

Collaboration in the name of care is what characterizes the only way to care. In the month when Co-operative Day (July 3) is celebrated, together with C-Day, Co-operation Day, works that benefit society have brought joy, warmth and food to hundreds of people, which shows that our strength and strength are capable of much solidarity.

Cooperation Day– For Unimed Cascavel, the day of cooperation is from Monday to Monday, 365 days a year, but the month of July is more special for the application of cooperative actions for the benefit of the community.

Arraia Solidarity – Typical parties at this time of the year were the theme of the Solidarity Party in which the audience enjoyed at home, with delicacies served by the Health Cooperative for Children of Eureca I, in the Interlagos region. With the help of the entity, more than 180 sets of sausages, popcorn, candy, masks against Covid and a memory game have been delivered to 120 families. The event was sponsored by Rural Union and Uniprime and included donations from supermarket chain Irani, Corplife, Maçã Verde and Cascavel Commercial and Industrial Association (Acic). In addition, it was necessary to be able to count on the help of Unimed volunteer staff and Eureca specialists.

Candy – Joselia de Sousa took the rewards for her three children. “We are very happy that the children love it, and in this crisis, we cannot buy. We adults are also more excited to see their joy,” says the housewife.

Cavilandia – More than a hundred families have benefited from the solidarity action of Unimed Cascavel in Cafelândia with the help of Pastoral da Crianca in the Diocese of Nossa Senhora do Consolata. The cooperative donated 375 hygiene items (alcohol, bleach, soap, toothpaste, toilet paper and washing powder).

destination – “The donations received were intended for families who were helped and who are in a socially vulnerable situation to meet their basic needs. Receiving donations is of paramount importance, especially in the moment we live in. We thank Unimed for this work.” – Bruna Batista, Coordinator of Pastoral da Crianca de Cafelândia.

opera – In Operata, Unimed had a partnership with Associação Comercial (Aceu), Unitá, Sicredi, Sicoob, Uniprime, Integrada and Coagru to collect food, 1,000 disposable cups and 6,000 PPE. The products have been transported to Santa Casa de Ubiratã.

Help – “It helps us a lot. We have a lot of monthly expenses to maintain an average of 30 admissions a day. The last two months have been very complicated by the increase in Covid patients, reaching 80 meals a day, which is 60% more than our average. Cooperative Very strong in our area. We just have to be thankful.” – Nelza de Abreu, a social worker at the Maternity Hospital Santa Casa de Operata.

associated work عمل – “It has been a joint work with several cooperatives which has proven to be very interesting. C-Day summarizes the essential work of all these organizations. It certainly does a lot for our community, especially at this time when people need it the most because of Covid.” José Carlos Marquez, Regional Service Adviser at Unimed Cascavel in Operata.

C-Day Come Come to turn challenges into hope In nearly a month and a half of collections, eight Cascavel co-ops have joined forces to separate hygiene and cleaning products and basic foodstuffs. In all, more than 12,000 items have been donated by the city’s community and businesses for the nearly 1,000 people served by the municipality’s social assistance bodies.

Connecting The products were delivered on July 2 (Friday) in the presence of representatives of cooperatives and beneficiary institutions.


• Unimed rattlesnake

• Uniprime

• Cooperat

• Credit Kopavel

• Cotriguasu

• Secredi

• Cresol

• Secoop


• Caritas

• ONG Iadas

• A pro-college association

• Carmel

• Promotion

Health Secretary In addition to entities, the Cascavel Health Department has also benefited from C-Day, with more than 5,500 personal protective equipment (PPE) transferred to help fight Covid-19.

revered – “Nothing else is so solemn and important as, in the day of co-operatives, the various entities receiving assistance at this time of greatest need. It’s food and hygiene items and a lot of love goes into helping these people. Congratulations to all who joined in the act of collaboration to take this action. – Miroslaw Bilac, Minister of Health of the Municipality of Cascavel.

consequences – “The greater importance of collaborative work is reflected in the results. That is why there is this international celebration that celebrates cooperation, through which such wonderful results are obtained for society.. – Carlos Bobby, CEO of Unipime.

important step – “Today we have taken a very important step to show the power of cooperative work in Cascavel and Paraná in distributing materials to the needy. This union of all the cooperatives in the city showed that doing good is possible whatever the reality.” – Louise Sergio Vitback, CEO of Unimed Cascavel.

(Unimed Cascavel Press)

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