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The College of Advanced Science in Quantum Materials opens applications for graduate students

The College of Advanced Science in Quantum Materials opens applications for graduate students

The event at the USP Institute of Physics includes short courses and lectures with researchers; 100 of the selected ones will have their expenses paid by Fapesp

Registration is now open for the São Paulo School of Advanced Science in Quantum Materials promoted by the Institute of Physics (IF) at the University of the South Pacific. Graduate students and young researchers from Brazil and abroad can participate and must register by February 26 using an online form In this link.

During the registration process, interested parties must submit an abstract of the poster to be presented in the course, a copy of their undergraduate and graduate degrees, as well as their CV. Shortlisted candidates will be notified on March 15.

Registration, transportation and accommodation fees for all selected participants (50 researchers from Brazil and 50 from abroad) will be fully covered by the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (Visp). The idea is that support ensures that participants can focus on the event content and networking opportunities in a comprehensive and accessible experience.

This initiative was organized within the scope of the São Paulo School of Advanced Sciences Program (ESPCA), with the support of Fapesp. The event takes place between July 15 and 25 and will bring together a team of leading researchers in the field to deliver short courses and lectures focusing on fundamental, theoretical and experimental aspects of quantum materials.

Topics to be discussed include experimental techniques for quantum material growth, advanced materials characterization methods, density functional theory, topological insulators and heavy fermion systems.

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The conference will also include two poster sessions, where participants can present their work.

IF is located at Rua do Matão, 1,371, in Cidade Universitária, Butanta neighborhood, in São Paulo.

More information at this link and to register click here.

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