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The Cleaning Museum in America collects thousands of cleaning products  Interests

The Cleaning Museum in America collects thousands of cleaning products Interests

Located in Idaho, USA Don Aslett’s Cleaning Museum Born in 2011 with a project to bring forward the value of cleaning – from homes, minds, languages, communities or the world.

Along with objects related to the universe of organization, the founder Don Aslett Invested in exhibits that provide a historical experience by introducing artifacts related to cleaning and various cleaning techniques and tips.

With tours ranging from 45 to 60 minutes, the museum allows its visitors to experience purity from nine purposes. A Cleaning the band This is art gallery Creatively arranged creations from utensils such as brooms, toiletries and other items bring out the most creative side of organization. The gallery houses ancient paintings, sculptures and prints dating back 2,000 years.

The institution divides its programs into exhibits that focus on objects or interactive activities – Photo: Pure / Revelation Museum

Additionally, there is an exhibit at the Sanitation Museum Old English town, which recreates the English city of the 18th and 19th centuries. Immersed in the health hazards caused by lack of sanitation and urban planning, this exhibition retraces the historical experience of European countries at the beginning of the creation of municipalities. It includes a coal stove that was originally used in the building that houses the museum.

Aslett’s idea of ​​sustainability is also linked to purity with the exhibition Pure garden – or “purifying garden” in literal translation -, which introduces about 20 types of plants that purify the air of common toxins such as formaldehyde (a chemical found in almost all indoor environments), xylenes, benzenes and more.

The museum seeks to spread the idea that cleanliness is more than just a physical condition, it can be a way of life – Photo: Clean / Reproduction Museum

However, the highlight of the Museu da Faxina is the collection of old vacuum cleaners. One of the largest device collections in the world, including Daniel Hess Carpet SweeperThe first existing device was developed in 1860. The equipment is arranged among 500 other appliances, including the first motorized vacuum cleaner developed in 1902 and used in Great Britain.

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A bookstore included in the museum completes the experience with books and videos showing the history of cleaning throughout history. Many thought-provoking works were written by the company’s founder, an expert on the subject.

Among activities aimed at interaction, the museum faces one of the biggest threats to cleanliness: children. A three-tier display Children are a clean world Using the playground as a means to teach about recycling and, of course, cleaning.