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The Chinese ambassador questions the sovereignty of the countries of the former Soviet Union

The Chinese ambassador questions the sovereignty of the countries of the former Soviet Union

Asked by Swiss journalist Darius Rochepin if Crimea is a Ukrainian territory, Le Shay said: “It depends on how you perceive the problem… It’s not that simple.”

Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye appears in an interview with France’s LC1 on Saturday.

RTChina’s ambassador to France has questioned the sovereignty of Ukraine and other former Soviet republics, noting that their ambiguous status under international law makes it difficult to resolve disputes in disputed regions such as Crimea.

“Even the countries of the former Soviet Union do not have an effective place in international law because there is no international agreement to embody their status as a sovereign state,” Ambassador Le Chay said Saturday in an interview with French broadcaster LCI.

Asked by Swiss journalist Darius Rochepin if Crimea was Ukrainian territory, Low said: “It depends on how you perceive the problem… It’s not that simple.”

Rochepin tried to correct his guest, saying: “Sorry, according to international law, you know it’s Ukraine. Under international law, you can argue, you can argue, but this is Ukraine. Lu replied, “Crimea was originally part of Russia, right? It was.” [o líder soviético Nikita] Khrushchev who gave Crimea to Ukraine in the Soviet Union.”

After being pressed again on the status of the peninsula, the Chinese diplomat said: “Now, we must not fight about this kind of problem again. Now, the most urgent thing is to stop, cease fire, and stop.”

Chinese officials have tried to maintain a neutral stance in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, resisting pressure from the United States and other Western powers to condemn Moscow and impose sanctions. Beijing, which proposed a 12-point peace plan in February, has stressed the need to stop the bloodshed in Ukraine and work towards a diplomatic solution that takes into account the security concerns of all parties involved.

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has vowed to take back all of his country’s territory, including Crimea – a goal most Western supporters of Kiev do not see as realistic. Residents of the peninsula voted overwhelmingly in favor of Crimea joining Russia in 2014, after the US-backed elected Ukrainian government was overthrown.

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Asked about the importance of territorial integrity from Kiev’s point of view, Lu again pointed to the historical complexity of the issue, saying, “There are permanent problems, right, about your struggle, your problem? It’s very easy to say in one word. If you have any problems You can talk about it together.”

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