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The chief technologist plans to launch the “new Google Maps”;  Discover the initial project

The chief technologist plans to launch the “new Google Maps”; Discover the initial project

The brilliant collaboration between Amazon, Meta, Microsoft and TomTom has conceived an innovative kind of map, open for public use for free.

The initiative has the potential to challenge the dominance of companies like Google and Apple in the field of mapping, it promises Always be informed.

This is due to the fact that the immediate availability of data can greatly simplify, and more cost-effectively, the task of developers in creating applications.

although Google Maps Remaining one of the major global mapping and navigation tools, maintaining this site requires constant vigilance on the part of the team that oversees the platform.

(Source: clone / internet)

Amazon, Microsoft, TomTom and Meta plan to create a new virtual map

These tech giants have come together in a joint effort, sharing a wide range of data covering more than 59 million places of interest, which is a major competitor to Google.

With a vision of creating map products that could interact harmoniously, the four prominent companies joined forces to found the Overture Maps Foundation.

This consortium recently took a significant step forward by presenting its first open map dataset. A consortium of big tech companies arrives with an interesting proposal!

adoption Mapping project Open source software gives developers the advantage of building applications more conveniently and affordably, since the underlying data is freely available.

Overture’s CEO, Marc Prioleau, expressed the organization’s point of view, emphasizing the intention to establish a comprehensive collaboration capable of building and maintaining a comprehensive database.

Therefore, Google continues to risk losing its technological reign when it comes to virtual maps. Although ownership, of course, has been established through years of map-making experience.