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“The change in the inflation target is sympathetic,” says Haddad.

“The change in the inflation target is sympathetic,” says Haddad.

June meeting

He avoided responding to his position at the Mobile Communications Network (CMN) meeting in June, as he had not yet discussed the topic with other board members.

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Finance Minister Fernando Haddad. (Photo: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil).

Finance Minister Fernando Haddad said Friday the 26th that he notes a greater “sympathy” in society for the changes in the inflation targeting system, which he will remember will be on the agenda of the National Monetary Council meeting next month. Council (CMN). “The change in the target inflation rate is sympathetic,” the minister announced in an interview with Globo News.

He avoided answering what his position would be at the CMN meeting in June, because he had not yet discussed the topic with the Minister of Planning and Budget, Simon Tebbit, and the head of the Central Bank (BC), Roberto Campos Neto – both of whom formed with Haddad three voting powers in the CMN.

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However, Haddad again expressed his preference for a continuous goal, rather than the current model in which goals are set for each calendar year. He defended this, saying, “Setting an ongoing goal to follow BC is best, and when it is set, it is rarely changed.” “I see a continuous target with good eyes,” he added.

The minister noted that the US is discussing a continual change of purpose in the midst of bank failures. He also again requested a technical discussion on the matter.