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The Chamber approves a project in Brasilia that makes Campinas the “National Capital of Science, Technology and Innovation” |  Campinas and the region

The Chamber approves a project in Brasilia that makes Campinas the “National Capital of Science, Technology and Innovation” | Campinas and the region

Sirius, the largest scientific building in the country, is located in Campinas – Photo: Cesar Coco

On Wednesday (26) the Chamber of Deputies in Brasilia (DF) approved the bill (PL) granting Campinas (SP) the title “National Capital of Science, Technology and Innovation”. The text now goes to the Federal Senate, and if approved, it goes to the President of the Republic for approval or veto.

In justifying the PL, the author, Federal MP Jonas Donizet (PSB-SP), pointed out that the city combines The largest research, development and innovation centers in the countryIn addition to being the headquarters of Unicamp, one of the most important companies in Brazil.

“Today, Campinas has the largest national R&D and innovation ecosystem in Brazil, consisting of technology-based industries, research centers and universities, as well as four technology parks in which more than 120 companies operate – most of them from the technological base,” says the PL justification.

Plenary session of the House of Representatives in Brasilia – Photo: Mario Agra/House of Representatives

Public research institutions in Campinas

In addition to bringing together private companies recognized in the field of technological innovation, such as Bosch, Elektro, CPFL Energia, IBM, Samsung, Dell and Arcor, Campinas hosts important public research centres. Among these:

Orion, the laboratory complex with maximum biocontainment to be built at CNPEM, in Campinas (SP) – Photo: Reproduction/CNPEM

Agricultural Institute of Campinas (IAC): It is linked to the state government, and is one of the oldest research centers in Brazil, founded in 1887. The institute conducts important agricultural research, such as farming techniques and genetic improvement of crops, such as potatoes and coffee.

An aerial view of Unicamp’s Campinas – Photo: Antoninho Perri/Ascom/Unicamp

Videos: All about Campinas and the region

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