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The Chamber agrees to assist autistic people in centers specialized in SUS

The Chamber agrees to assist autistic people in centers specialized in SUS

PL text changes that specified create exclusive centers for people on the spectrum to use existing centers

This Wednesday (May 17, 2023) the House approved a PL bill (Act) that relegates assistance for a person with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to specialized rehabilitation centers located in the RCPD (Autism Spectrum Disorder Care Network). inability). Because of the changes, the motion goes back to the Senate for a new vote.

The approved text is a substitution Rapporteur in plenary session, deputy Joseneldo (PDT-AP), which used most of the Senators’ transcripts for Bill 3630/21Reformulation of the opinion of the Committee for the Defense of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, approved in 2022.

The main change of the alternative in relation to the original project is that assistance will be provided by specialized centers rather than establishing specific centers for the person with autism. Rehabilitation centers are already in place at the SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde) within the Doha Police Reserve Service.

Another change made by the decision is that instead of these centers providing specialized, multidisciplinary psychological support to parents and guardians of people with autism, this service will be optional.

private network

In the same sense, while the Senate text suggested that health plans and private health insurances would assist parents and guardians by offering psychological and interdisciplinary follow-up, the Chamber’s wording states that this service will be for people with autism.

On the other hand, Representative Josenildo has maintained a snippet that allows SUS units that have a shortage of professionals, equipment or specialized places to sign a contract or agreement with the private network to meet the needs of people with autism in order to guarantee the provision of service .

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It also added a device that provides the role of rehabilitation centers as a regional reference service for cases in which, for whatever reason, specialized care is needed, according to the lines of care developed within the scope of the SUS.


through a emphasis The general meeting approved MDB and PSD amendment Congressman Maria Rosas (Republicanos-SP) that prioritizes psychosocial care in the SUS for mothers who dedicate themselves entirely to the care of children with autism.

“Mothers with children with autism devote themselves full time to them, which often causes them to end up neglecting to take care of themselves.”He said.


The text of the committee, which was not voted on, was authored by the former deputy Teresa Nielmaspecified that the new centers would work with each person with autism spectrum disorder to formulate a unique educational project and a unique treatment project, identifying problems, skills, and goals to be achieved in educational treatments and training.

with information from Newsroom Agency.