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The central bank reported a new data leak in 87,368 key pixels

The central bank reported a new data leak in 87,368 key pixels

On Friday (22), the Central Bank reported that there was a new leak of personal data linked to Pix keys under the responsibility of the Sumup Sociedade de Crédito Direto. The problem occurred due to an accidental failure in the financial institution's systems.

In total, the registration data is linked 87,368 Pix keys are disclosed under Sumup's custody and responsibility. The leaked data includes username, CPF number “with mask”, relationship institution, agency and account number.

According to a memo issued by BC, they were not detected

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  • Sensitive data such as passwords
  • Information about financial movements or balances in transaction accounts,
  • Or other information under banking secrecy.

“The information obtained is of a recording nature, which does not permit movement of resources or access to accounts or other financial information,” the memo said.

Persons whose registration data has been obtained as a result of the incident “will be notified exclusively through the application or via Online banking Your Relationship Foundation. BC or participating organizations will not use any other means of communication for affected users, such as messaging applications, phone calls, SMS or email.

BC also informed that necessary measures have been taken to investigate the case in detail and the sanctioning procedures stipulated in the current regulations will be applied.

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Earlier this week, BC announced that a total of 46,093 Pix keys from Fidúcia Sociedade de Crédito ao Microempreendingor ea Empresa de Porte Limitada (Fidúcia) customers also had their registration data leaked.

According to BC, the leak occurred due to a specific failure in the payment organization's systems. BC reported that the exposure occurred in the registration data.

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