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The CBF may respond to abuse after the cat is removed from the press conference

The CBF may respond to abuse after the cat is removed from the press conference

The Joint Border Force can respond to animal abuse. The treatment of a cat during a World Cup press conference in Qatar has led to a lawsuit.

The National Forum for Animal Protection and Defense and other NGOs campaigning for animal rights have filed a public civil action against the CBF over the episode in which a press officer from the Confederation took a kitten from a table that appeared in the middle of a press conference. But he did it in a controversial way, picking up the cat from behind and throwing it away. At the table sat the counselor and player Vinnie Jr.

In the lawsuit they are asking for a public retraction and a fine of R$1 million.

In a post on social networks, the forum explained that the purpose of the action is educational. They state in the memo that “promoting change in society” is part of the foundation’s values ​​and that attitudes that violate animal rights cannot be normalized.

The memo also states that if the court accepts the claim for compensation, the money will not go to the NGO signing the suit, but to a federal or state fund where it can be used for the benefit of the community.

We have contacted the Brazilian Football Confederation for comment on the procedure and have not received any response.

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