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The businessman confirms the negotiation and reveals Bori's conversation with Inter professionals

The businessman confirms the negotiation and reveals Bori's conversation with Inter professionals

Andre Curé, the businessman who represents Burri in Brazil, spoke on Radio Gaucha and confirmed Internacional's negotiations with him.

“Bori really likes the Internacional project, he has already spoken to people at the club. Yes there are talks but nothing has been decided yet.”

Corey also put something important into context. He said that every major negotiation in which he participated took a long time. That Aranguiz negotiated for six months and Alan Patrick for three months. When a player is big, it takes time to achieve. He ensures that Inter have very good management in the negotiations and that they are working in this direction.

I mention some information that I have:

  • Since last week, the word I've been getting at Beira Rio has been that the deal has been completed, with final details and, of course, signatures remaining. Everyone worked to finish it.
  • Inter will pay €5 million to the German club and another salary of more than R$1.5 million per month for Bori.
  • The management has publicly leaked to several reporters that there is optimism about the chance of a deal happening, but the German championship is on hold until January 12, and everything indicates that they will not be able to sign any contract until after the end of the year. document.

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