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The “brick” in the most expensive square meter in Africa: “It makes you angry and hurts”

The “brick” in the most expensive square meter in Africa: “It makes you angry and hurts”

  • Leandro Braziers
  • BBC News Brazil sent to Johannesburg

A car on a rich neighborhood street
Illustrative image,

The BRICS summit is being held at a conference center in Sandton, an affluent area of ​​Johannesburg six kilometers from Alexandra, the poor town where Mandela lived in his youth.

In 1941, a poor 23-year-old South African arrives in Alexandra, near Johannesburg, in search of a new life and a place to live. Soon after, he rented a small room with a tin roof, without heat, running water or electricity.

“Although the city council has built some fine buildings, it (Alexandra) can rightfully be described as a slum, a living testament to the neglect of the authorities. The streets were unpaved, dirty and full of starving and malnourished children running around half naked.” . Described decades later in a book.

The young man’s name was Nelson Mandela.

82 years after the anti-apartheid leader and former South African president who died in 2012 arrived in Alexandra for the first time, the city remains one of Johannesburg’s most dangerous areas, and tin roofs remain one of the city’s defining features. place .