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The book that produced Nomadland arrives in Brazil |  Back cover by Elisa Dennis

The book that produced Nomadland arrives in Brazil | Back cover by Elisa Dennis



The book report “Nomadland – Surviving America in the 21st Century” (Editora Rocco) by award-winning journalist Jessica Broder tells the story of various characters who, after the great economic recession of 2008, began to live in trailers, buses and vans, to form a growing community of nomads . The book was based on the movie Winner in three categories from the 2021 Academy Awards, including Best Picture.

By rejecting the label “homeless,” the Bedouins share their dreams and community life – they help each other assemble vehicles and eat the day’s meals, for example. Although most of them are old people, there are also some young people who have student debts and do not have money to build their lives.

In the book, Jessica Browder tells the story of “homeless” people like Linda May, who has only a $500 pension and can’t afford rent or a mortgage. Like others, she lives in a car and drives across US highways in search of temporary jobs. From beet fields in North Dakota to campgrounds in California’s San Bernardino National Forest, the employers of this group of nomads have discovered a new workforce that is educated, willing, and low-cost.

The book’s project spanned three years and traveled more than 15,000 miles – from coast to coast (east to west) and Mexico to the Canadian border (south to north) on the edge of a used vehicle the journalist affectionately called “Van Halen.” The book won the 2017 Discover Award (New York Times) and was a finalist for the J Anthony Lucas Award and Helen Bernstein Book Award.

Jessica Broder
Todd Gray

Jessica Broder

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