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The blow is there! Mandatory Pix key registration is trapped; Understand

a Pecs It is an instant payment method that came to facilitate financial transactions. The system developed by the Central Bank allows you to transfer and receive money at any day and time, including weekends and holidays.

In addition, it is easier to make a transfer via Pix, as it suffices to inform the key associated with the account rather than the branch and account number, among other information. The Schaff Pics It serves to identify the account, and it could be the CPF / CNPJ, email or phone number of the account holder. It is also possible to generate a random key if the account holder does not want to share their personal data with third parties.

It’s important to note, however, that Pix key recording is optional. That is, it is recommended to register a key to facilitate the transaction, but it is also possible to use the system normally, informing the bank details of who will receive the funds.

Thus, if the user receives a notification asking for the keys to be registered, it could be a scam by criminals or an abuse by the bank itself. Understand these situations below:

My bank is forcing me to register Pix keys, so what now?

If your bank sends you a message requiring Pix key registration, stay in touch. No financial institution can compel its clients to register. Therefore, if this occurs, it does not follow the rules set by the central bank.

On the other hand, some banks offer benefits to customers who register their Pix keys with the organization. This practice does not contradict the rules of the central bank, as long as there is no obstacle to accessing the account or other banking services if the customer chooses not to register a key.

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Pix key registration fraud

Many criminals use the Pix to introduce scams. Generally, they pass through financial institutions where a citizen has an account and requests to register Pix keys. Thus, when entering data on the fake page, the phisher ends up accessing that information.

Another scam involving Pix occurs over the phone. The criminals communicate and ask the customer to register their keys. However, the central bank prohibits recording Pix keys over the phone. Therefore, a person who receives a call of this type should not pass their data under any circumstances.

To avoid these scams, never click on links sent via email, SMS or WhatsApp. If you intend to register a Pix key, go directly to your bank’s website or app.

Read also: Pix is ​​being processed in banks: Find out what that means