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The best books in the world according to reviews

The best books in the world according to reviews

Among the oldest forms of human entertainment is, without a doubt, books. In addition to fairy tales, simple words written on paper are still a great source of knowledge, and maintain their popularity even with the current technological growth and people’s long use of the Internet.

Literary diversity allows for a unique experience in each book, with different stories, themes, approaches, and points of view. The popularity of works also depends on the social and cultural contexts in which they are set. Therefore, some titles are more successful than others, depending on the country or continent.

The search reveals the favorite books of readers in each country

Image: WordFinderX/Reproduction

the site WordFinderX I recently used the database created by Goodreads, which contains millions of reviews of different books already published in 132 countries around the world, to create a ranking containing the top rated titles in each region.

The selection criteria were simply user reviews. Any book with more than 500 reviews can be considered, creating a fairer side than the competition.

According to the survey, the book “The Botanist” by MW Craven is the most popular among Europeans. Born in the United Kingdom, the author gained fame for his crime novels. In this work, Detective Washington Poe seeks to solve another mysterious case in his career.

“Arkitek Jalanan” by Tim Abdullah, tells the story of the author’s study times, who was a student of architecture, and is the most beloved in Asia.

In North America, “Words to Sparkle”, from 2014, was the highest-rated. The book was written by Brandon Sanderson and is part of the “The Stormlight Archive” saga. He touches on a wide variety of topics, including politics and a variety of other topics.

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The best of Brazil

Before revealing the most loved book by Brazilians, it is important to highlight the favorites of Africans and Oceanians. In Africa, two books are still ahead: “The African Origin of Civilization” by Cheikh Anta Diop, and “For the Education of Feminist Children” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Both deal with interesting political issues.

On the other hand, in Oceania, Jess Hill’s book “See What You Made Me Do” (“See what you made me to do”, in free translation) is the most successful work.

Finally, in South America, “We, the Slaves of Suriname,” by Anton de Koum, which discusses the racial history of colonialism in Suriname and published in 1934, was the highest rated.

Image: Amazon/clone

In our dear Brazil, last year’s CCXP award-winning comedy, “Arlindo,” by Luisa de Souza, aka Ilustralu, was the headliner. In the book, Arlindo is a dreamy young boy whose goal is to find his place in the world.