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The BC competition will be held in Belem.  Know the DOL registration deadline

The BC competition will be held in Belem. Know the DOL registration deadline

Passing a public exam is the dream of many Brazilians who devote themselves to studying to win the position and become public servants. With stable positions and high wages, more and more people are entering competitions.

The central bank published in January Public tender announcement Which provides for 100 vacancies in the position of analyst, which will be implemented by the Brazilian Center for Evaluation, Selection and Event Promotion Research (Cebraspe).

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The registration deadline ends on February 20. The tests will be conducted on May 19 and will be implemented in all capitals of the country.

In this competition, 50 places are allocated to Area 1 – Information Technology and 50 places are allocated to Area 2 – Economics and Finance. Each of them has designated places for people with disabilities (5%) and blacks (20%).

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To be accepted into this position, you must have a diploma of completion of a higher education course in any field of training offered by a higher education institution recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC). In the notification, it is possible to know the grades for each stage, as well as the exam syllabus.

Salaries and benefits

The initial wage provided is R$20,924.80, in addition to food aid worth R$658.00 and a health programme, the costs of which are divided equally between employees and the Central Bank.

The Central Bank has made qualified investment in professional development, through educational offerings such as the Postgraduate Program (PPG), language programs and courses and seminars in Brazil and abroad. In addition, it maintains training and professional exchange partnerships with international organizations, such as the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

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Initial occupation

All those approved will be based in Brasilia, and after the first year, employees will be able to participate in the management and performance program, which makes it possible to monitor their work through deliveries and productivity, and they can also adopt a semi-present work system, or even remotely, depending on the nature of your activities. Demonstrated performance and commitment.

Information about the current central bank competition and previous competition can be accessed at https://www.bcb.gov.br/acessoinformacao/concursospublicos