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The bank expects a 15% increase in health plans, the largest adjustment in 22 years

The bank expects a 15% increase in health plans, the largest adjustment in 22 years

Credit: Arquivo / Agência Brasil

Image source Arquivo / Agência Brasil If a 15% increase in the value of health plans is confirmed, ANS will make the largest adjustment in its historical series

Health plans may become more expensive this year and a forecast by BTG Pactual suggests the adjustment could be 15% for individual monthly fees. If this analysis is confirmed, this would be the largest increase in 22 years in the history of the National Agency for Complementary Health (ANS).

The potential adjustment comes at a time when health plans are enrolling more and more users in healthcare plans: In December, the sector collected more than 48 million customers.

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If added to the dental plans exclusively, the sector had registered more than 78.2 million members at the end of 2021.

Last year, plans had a negative adjustment of -8.19%, given that elective surgeries were suspended in 2020 and operator costs were lower than recorded in the pre-pandemic period. Since nothing is isolated, group plans, which account for most of the decades in the country, must also suffer from the exacerbating rise of individual plans.

To support the increase in plan values, BTG believes the ANS will take into account items such as inflation, increased medical expenses and efficiency gains in the sector.

The ANS should decide the topic by the middle of the year.

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