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The amazing news Bill Gates told Joe in 1995 makes us laugh today

The amazing news Bill Gates told Joe in 1995 makes us laugh today

Written in technology he

The astonishing speed of change in the world makes us laugh today at something that seemed like a distant dream less than 30 years ago.

We have unforgettable Joe Soares In front of a TV channel, talking to the founder Microsoft Bill Gates.

They’re talking about a product that, according to Gates, will be released in the future and could revolutionize the way we communicate.

Interestingly, Bill Gates himself didn’t really believe in what he was saying, or at least how influential he was. So much so that he wasn’t prepared for this new era that technology was bringing.

Microsoft’s products have focused solely on the office world, with the world’s most widely used operating system, which is WindowsAnd office programs such as Word, Excel, etc.

Even Microsoft’s web browser at the time, Internet Explorer, which was the most used by 90% of internet users, has now been renamed Bing and it doesn’t matter, given the overwhelming reach of Google and its Chrome browser.

You only have to look at modern smartphones today to see that Microsoft has fallen behind. They don’t even have an operating system in any of them (what they did have was discontinued due to lack of audience) and their browser isn’t even close to the most widely used browsers.

But what were Gates and Joe talking about in 1995? Do you know this product?