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The actor defeats the author by rhyme and becomes the lover of Joy in Um Lugar ao Sol TV News

The actor defeats the author by rhyme and becomes the lover of Joy in Um Lugar ao Sol TV News

Ruan Aguiar will enter place in the sun Next Tuesday (11) long live lover cheerful (Lara Trimoro) And do ravi Juan Aguiar suffers from betrayal. The actor says that writer Lícia Manzo wrote the character especially for him after hearing him rhyme in the halls of Globo. “Destiny,” celebrates graffiti artist and poet Damon. The artist is still facing financial difficulties during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In addition to acting, the young man criticized – performative poetry followed in the form of rap – in train cars in Rio de Janeiro. After a network test, he showed his talent to his existing friends and was spotted by the author.

“By chance, I ran into Lara Trimoro and Juan Paiva in the Globo Studios dining hall. We stayed there talking for a while. I started hitting them both. Within a few minutes, I saw a woman approaching and asking me some things. Lecia ManzoThe boy remembers In an interview with the column by Patricia Cogot, of the newspaper O Globo.

The meeting changed the path of Agyar. “She said she was going to write a role for me. I, who was waiting for the audition call, received one from Mauricio Farias for that role. I think the series will have two scripts of slam she wrote and one by the author with me,” he celebrates. He adds, “Juan and Lara are amazing people. And by chance, being with them led me to this opportunity.”

The actor claims that he faced financial difficulties during the Covid-19 pandemic. He lives with his mother, unemployed teacher Tania Bandera, and grandmother Nessi in Madurera, in the suburb of Rio de Janeiro.

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“I was without cash for over a year. What I finished in June 2020. I stayed until May 2021 receiving food basket donations from many people. There was another token help from a friend who sold tea to lose weight. I am. 40 products, and I will earn a commission. I went out to street to give people, I sold 35 products and we were able to make Christmas dinner last year,” he said wistfully.

Arthur Aguiar’s brother

Rowan Aguiar is the brother of fellow actor Arthur Aguiar, whom the boy says he rarely sees because of the distance. “He and I got close when we made Malhação: Vidas Brasileiras [2018]. Because I live in Rio and he lives in São Paulo, coexistence is rare. But I go to events like my niece’s birthday, for example,” the artist, referring to three-year-old Sophia, hands over her cousin’s daughter with Myra Cardi.

In addition to the actor, the young man is also the brother of Fausto, 40, who has a degree in management and information technology, but works as an application driver.

Reproduction / TV Globo

Rawan Aguiar described as Damon

Rawan Aguiar described as Damon

place in the sun It is a novel written by Lecia Manzo It will consist of 107 chapters. The whole plot was registered due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Check out the chapter summaries of the TV series at 9 AM that the news Posted daily.

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