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The 2024 minimum wage of R,412 comes into force in February;  See details!

The 2024 minimum wage of R$1,412 comes into force in February; See details!

The Brazilian population officially begins in 2024 with the new minimum wage – set at R$1,412. With a 6.97% adjustment to the 2023 value – R$1,320 – the new definition will now be effective starting from the first payroll of the year.

New minimum wage: treatment for domestic workers and pensioners

When will the new minimum wage take effect?  Who is entitled?

Following category-specific rules, the new minimum wage of R$1,412 will be effective for domestic workers starting from the payment paid in February, which refers to work in January. This is explained by Mario Avelino, President of Doméstica Legal.

Retirees and pensioners will also feel the change during the same period, with expectations to be received between the last five working days of January and the first five working days of February.

Workers will not feel the adjustments until February

According to the rules stipulated in the CLT, the payment applied during January must take into account the old minimum of R$ 1,320, referring to the December 2023 period. Therefore, the majority of workers will only be able to notice the adjustments in their salaries from the February newspaper that were made Receive it during the first month of March.

Regional Minimum Wage: The value remains higher than the national wage in five states

The adjusted value is not unique throughout the national territory. Within the country, five states implement regional minimum wages higher than the federal limit: Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro. Mario Avellino recalls that the latter has not updated its floors since 2019.

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New minimum correction rule: INPC inflation and GDP growth

The new value reflects the application of a new calculation rule for the minimum wage, which takes into account inflation expectations – indicated by the National Institute of Inflation – until November 2023 (3.85%), added to the GDP growth for two years before (2022), for which the rate was 2.9. %.

The lawyer says the new procedures already apply to alimony

Alessandro Azzoni, lawyer and economist, explains that the value revised to the minimum should already be taken into account when paying alimony since January. Emphasizing that doubts on this point are common, Azzouni asserts that “the amount must be paid from January onwards, because the alimony is not paid in the last month, but in the current month.”