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Telma Andrade takes over the management of the regional hospital and announces an investment of R3 million

Telma Andrade takes over the management of the regional hospital and announces an investment of R$103 million

AssisCity was present at Assis Regional Hospital on the morning of Friday, August 25, to confirm the installation of the new Director, Thelma de Andrade. The event, which was attended by mayors and health secretaries from cities such as Palmital, Taruma, Pedrinhas Paulista, Florinha and Paraguaço Paulista, took place in the institution’s auditorium, which was packed to receive the new director.

During her speech, Thelma shared her perspectives and goals for meeting the challenges inherent in her new role at the helm of the hospital. “It is a moment of great joy for us. For six years, we have been in Santa Casa de Assis, working tirelessly to reorganize and modernize the health services in the institution and in the city. We have received the support of all authorities, regional and international federal leaders,” said Thelma. Now, we’re here to expand that work at the Asis Regional Hospital.”

Portal AssisCity - Telma Andrade took over the management of the regional hospital on Friday the 25th - Photo: Portal AssisCity
Thelma Andrade took over the Regional Hospital on Friday the 25th – Image: Portal AssisCity

The new director expressed her honor to be part of this historic moment for the institution and thanked all the previous directors, especially Dr. Lenilda, who planted seeds that will be watered and sown to reap the fruits in the future.

Thelma confirmed that her work had already begun, with an intense week of meetings with different teams. “We understand the importance of motivating all staff, both administrative and support staff. This is essential for the smooth running of the hospital,” he said.

Regarding the shortage of service professionals, Thelma explained that the mutual commitment between her and the state government is based on hard work and dedication. Ongoing projects will be implemented and, faced with the lack of open public tenders at the moment, Thelma is considering outsourcing as an alternative to get immediate results.

Access City Gate - The new management of the Access Regional Hospital - Photo: Access City Gate
New management of the Basis Regional Hospital – Photo: Portal AssisCity

One of the main focuses of the new director is the integration of health services in the city of Asis and the region. “Next week, we will bring together services such as the SAMU and the Emergency Care Unit to enhance collaboration and provide a more effective service. Furthermore, we are happy to announce that the state governor has authorized the release of a contribution of R$103 million. The reais will be used by this council for a comprehensive renovation And the expansion of the regional hospital. This is a great achievement for all the 25 municipalities that receive care from HRA. I am sure that this initiative marks the beginning of a new project in the health field of Asis and the region as a whole.”

Portal AssisCity - New management intends to reform and expand HRA - Image: Portal AssisCity
New management intends to reform and expand HRA – Image: Portal AssisCity

In his speech, the Mayor of Assis, José Fernández, praised the new phase of the Regional Hospital. “Today, we begin a new phase, a new story. You can be sure that the Municipal Health Department and the City Hall will continue to ensure that residents are served with quality and efficiency. I am sure of Thelma’s experience and dedication. The regional hospital will overcome all these challenges we face,” he concluded.

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In an interview with Portal AssisCity, the Mayor of Taroma and the representative of the Inter-Municipal Confederation of the Valle de Paranapanema (CIVAP), Oscar Gozi, commented on the new phase of the Human Rights Law. “The regional hospital is undergoing a major transformation in its operational management, reorganizing its entire operating system and receiving great support from the state government of São Paulo. Last week, we participated in a meeting with the coordinator of public hospitals in the state. We are in São Paulo, discussing the first procedures and applications,” Gozi said. that will be taken. There is news imminent, including the goal of adding 44 new beds.”

In addition to the regional authorities, federal deputy Captain Augusto, who announced another parliamentary amendment worth R$2 million for the regional hospital, and state deputy Dani Alonso were also present.