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Telescope captures ‘dance’ of merging galaxies 400 million years ago |  Science

Telescope captures ‘dance’ of merging galaxies 400 million years ago | Science

Two galaxies, NGC 1512 and NGC 1510, It was in the process of merging 400 million years ago. This interaction sparked a wave of star formation, according to details seen in an unpublished image released on Tuesday (3).

The Commission (look up) is also filled with the bright stars of the Milky Way in the foreground, with a background full of distant galaxies.

Telescope captures the “dance” of merging galaxies 400 million years ago

The “dancing” was recorded at the Cerro Tololo Pan-American Observatory, located about 80 km from La Serena, a Chilean town near the Atacama Desert. According to the researchers, the stream of starry light that runs between the two signals that the larger galaxy is “surrounding” the smaller galaxy – Evidence of an attractive interaction between them.

As a result, the correlation between NGC 1512 and NGC 1510 affected the rate of star formation for both, according to the scientists, and They may merge into one larger galaxy in the future. It is located 60 million light years from Earth, with one light year corresponding to about 9.5 trillion km.

The image was taken by the Víctor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory.

It includes one of the best performing wide-field vision cameras in the world: the Dark Energy Camera or, in English, dark energy camera (Dicham). Created to lead Dark Energy Surveya six-year space observation project (2013 to 2019) in which more than 400 scientists from 25 institutions and seven countries have participated.

The international effort sought to map galaxies, discover supernovae and discover patterns of cosmic structure — searching for details about the dark energy that accelerates the expansion of the universe.