In an announcement posted on Friday (30), Telegram released a series of new features for users a program. Chief among them is the ability to include up to 1,000 people in a video call, send video messages, and the ability to share your screen. smart phone during a video call.
In addition to these features, Telegram has also announced a series of small improvements to the service, such as animated emojis for Android, automatic content deletion after a month and greater precision in drawing on photos, with the ability to adjust brush thickness.
There are up to 1000 people in the video call, but there is a problem
The most notable feature of Telegram’s updates is the ability to have up to 1,000 people on a video call. However, in order not to become a mess, only 30 can actively participate – and the rest remain as spectators of what is going on. NS The WhatsAppBy comparison, up to 8 people are allowed to share.
NS Blog post From Telegram notes that the choice can be interesting from online lessons to rap battles.
To create a video call, create a voice chat on the info page (or the three-dot menu on Android) of any group you manage. Then just activate the video.
Video messages
After the audio messages, it seems that Telegram wants to promote video messages. It’s not necessarily a new feature in the app, but the photos taken are in better quality now.
What is curious is that when capturing video, the system also captures the phone’s sound. Therefore, it is possible to put a file Song do not touch cell phone and recording a video with the music serving as a “background”. In addition, it will be possible to pause the video message, fast forward or rewind.
To record a video message, tap the microphone icon in the message bar to switch from voice message recording mode to video message mode. Click and hold to register. If you want to return to sound mode, tap the camera icon.
Share screen with audio
In PC video calling platforms, it is relatively easy to share your private screen, and now Telegram offers the same feature for smartphones. At the moment, this feature is only available for two-way calls.
The feature also captures audio from your smartphone. Therefore, if the music is playing, it is recommended to stop it before sharing the screen.
To share your screen during a video call, click the camera button during the call and select your screen with the video source.
If you want to check out all the new features in Telegram, go to blog platform (in Portuguese).
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