From now on, Telegram users can do just that Group video calls. In these groups, membership is unlimited for voice chat, but the video enabler is only available for the first 30 people who join the voice chat. This limit will soon increase once voice chats are included running gamelive events and more,” warned Telegram at official speech.
To start a voice chat, check the menu ⋮ on the profile of any group you manage (on iOS, you will find the “Voice Chat” button on the group profile). Then to convert any group audio chats into video conferencing, simply tap on the camera icon. Users will also be able to tap anywhere on the video screen to watch it in full screen. You will also be able to share your screens during a video call.
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Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram TwitterIn January, the company reached 500 million active users, many of whom migrated to the platform after rival chat app WhatsApp announced the introduction of a new privacy policy.
Telegram features noise suppression and animated wallpapers
In addition to the much-anticipated group video calling, Telegram has added many other new features, such as improved noise reduction and animated backgrounds. iOS or app users Android Telegrams can choose from several default options or create their own wallpapers on the go.
News is available on all devices, including tablets and desktop computers. “This takes voice chats to a whole new level, ready for online classes, business meetings and family get-togethers,” says the company’s statement.
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