Prof.ª Dr.ª Selma M. S. Fávaro
On November 22 and December 6, A.I. José Camargo – Vatic thought seated the entire academic community with another edition of a major event, VI SITEF – Technology Symposium, through lectures and presentations of academic studies.
On the first day, two big names were present. During the day, in the Fatek Hall, Evelese Galbero de Carvalho, employee of Sebra Corporation, brilliantly addressed the topic “Importance of Information Technology in Business and Startup”. In the evening, at the Vocational School of Jalis, it is the turn of Marcos Batista, Director of Inova at the Paula Souza Center, to speak with great authority on “Innovation in the Real World”.
The second day of the event was attended by college students from the last periods of their courses. On the date, they presented their research, previously submitted and approved by the Evaluation Board. The performances showed the potential of the student who will complete his graduation soon.
Promoted every six months by Fatec’s Chamber of Teaching, Research and Extension (CEPE), this interdisciplinary event is a great tool for dissemination, training and professional updating, creating a productive space for reflection that includes technology, innovation and science.
Renewal of EEC recognition
Another reason to celebrate Fatek Professor Jose Camargo- Fatek Seated. The Technology Higher Education course in Systems Analysis and Development (ADS) has once again been recognized by the State Board of Education (CEE).
This recognition is due, among other factors, to the result of the National Student Performance Examination (Enade). In the last exam held in 2021, the students obtained, once again, a very satisfactory score: 4 (out of a maximum of 5 points).
Recognition or re-acknowledgment by CEE shows that the higher education course is legally entitled to issue certificates, highlighting the institution’s commitment to quality, i.e. to a solid education for its students.
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