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Technology for sustainability, innovation and science are highlights of AgroBrasília

Technology for sustainability, innovation and science are highlights of AgroBrasília

This Tuesday (23/05) in Parque Tecnológico Ivaldo Cenci, in Brasília, in the Federal District, started one of the largest agricultural fairs in the Midwest of Brazil.

The gates opened early in the morning and what was seen were rural producers, consultants, employees in and out of the gate, entire families of entrepreneurs from the Midwest, Minas Gerais and other states in search of technology, innovation and expertise.

The opening of the fair was marked by a very cordial mass and the blessing of seeds to bring a good harvest to the members of the cooperative, the members of the Cooperativa Agropecuária da Região do Distrito Federal (Coopa-DF), the organizer of the event and the visitors who joined the exhibition hall.

Photo: Angela Ruiz

There are more than 500 exhibitors spread across 50 hectares in the sector of Machinery, Agricultural Tools, Inputs, Sustainability, Animal and Plant Genetics, Research, Services and Biotechnologies spread out in a well-organised, flowery garden, with a serene environment for strolling the streets.

Photo: AgroBrasília Disclosure – Aerial View

The producer visiting the exhibition has pavilions for livestock, with exhibitions of animals, another pavilion dedicated to business, an Embrapa exhibition unit, space for evaluating family farming and all family infrastructure.

According to the head of the Agricultural Cooperative of the Federal District (Coopa-DF), José Guilherme, the general forecast is 20,000 people per day. During the week of the event, it is expected to receive up to 130,000 people.

“The idea of ​​the fair is the start of a business. It is a possibility for producers to find manufacturers, see business opportunities, compare products and look for financing agents. It is a great opportunity to bring agriculture and new technologies to small producers,” comments José Guilherme.

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Technology and knowledge in the hands of the producer

On this first day, Embrapa and Emater/DF attended a presentation of some varietal, crop and livestock integration related technologies and innovations that can be applied by small, medium and large rural producers.

The exhibition continues until the end of the week with many lectures and meetings of rural producers, solutions presented by startups and future trends in producing more sustainable food.

Free admission.

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