a Instagram Testing a new sticker to allow more users to link to their stories. Today, the option is available...
Another novelty! a The WhatsApp It should soon launch another job on the platform. According to the information, users will...
More news from The WhatsApp It should arrive soon for all messaging users. This time, the updates will target voice...
a cable (Android | iOS | the web) is very popular for its security with encrypted conversations and ability to...
Update (06/28/2021) - LR Microsoft announced it last week, Windows 11 Its first preview version was released on Monday (28th)...
The National Space Administration of China released a video in which the first sounds of Mars were recorded by Robo...
The game is back on the PlayStation Store, but it's only recommended for PS5 and PS4 Pro at TVN24 interview...
disable The WhatsApp It is possible in a simple way: just uninstall a program from cell phone Android e Iphone...
From now on, Telegram users can do just that Group video calls. In these groups, membership is unlimited for voice...
a The WhatsApp It continues to release new functions to improve the experience of its users, but the ability to...