In 2020, when WhatsApp launched the function to mute groups indefinitely, most users celebrated the novelty, as was highly anticipated....
Excessive use of mobile phones brings with it a series of health problems that deserve our attention. According to a...
During the week, scientists announced important discoveries in astronomy, such as the presence of a fundamental molecule for humans in...
- Reading time: 2 minutes - Find out what causes it ban your whatsapp account And stay within the rules...
Samsung works hard to keep its One UI up and running. With many features included, the interface is already in...
The large galaxy NGC 6872 appears in the image highlighted by NASA on Friday (23). It spans more than 500,000...
Microsoft should remove Bing information, which uses artificial intelligence (AI), from its search platform that attributes to a doctor whether...
Microsoft should remove Bing information, which uses artificial intelligence (AI), from its search platform that attributes to a doctor whether...
Before Zenimax was acquired by Microsoft, Starfield and Redfall were also planned for PS5. And the FTC, writing in black...
Microsoft gave Sony full access to the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles before their official launch, and...