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(crédito: Tulio Santos/EM/D.A Press)

Tebet comments on Bolsonaro and says that in January the flag will be evaluated again

Published on 05/11/2022 16:32

    (Credit: Tulio Santos/EM/DA Press)

(Credit: Tulio Santos/EM/DA Press)

Senator Simone Tebet (MDB-MS)citing being a minister in the government of Luis Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) after supporting him in the presidential race in the second round, upset the government of Jair Bolsonaro (PL) on Twitter on Saturday (5/11).

In her post, the senator recalled the Day of Science and Culture, which is celebrated this Saturday, and stated that in January these areas will be evaluated again, referring to the date on which Lola He is sworn in as President of the Republic.

“Today is the Day of Science and Culture. It is good to know that there, at the beginning of the year, Brazil will rediscover its path of valuing and respecting science and culture.”

Science and Culture Day is celebrated on the 5th of November. The date is set to increase the visibility of cultural expressions and stimulate scientific production throughout the national territory.

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Cover by Correio Braziliense

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