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Taylor Swift receives tribute from ex Taylor Lautner

Taylor Swift receives tribute from ex Taylor Lautner

Taylor Swift’s “The Eras Tour” in Kansas City, United States, had a special guest appearance last Friday night, 7. Taylor Lautner, the actor known for his participation in the Twilight franchise and with whom the singer has had a novel. In 2009, he took the stage and gave an emotional speech in honor of his ex-wife.

“I just wanted to say something quick. I respect you so much, not only for the singer-songwriter and artist that you are, but really for the human being that you are.” “You are kind, humble, and kind and it is an honor to meet you.”

The moment was shared on stage with actress Joy King and the actor’s current wife, Taylor Dome. The three star in Taylor Swift’s latest video, I can see youWhich was also released on Friday and directed by the artist herself. The as yet unreleased song is part of the re-recording of the Speak Now album, originally released in 2010.

Backstage at the show, Taylor Swift, Taylor Lautner, and Taylor Doom took the opportunity to recreate the Spider-Man meme and idolize each other. “The Tale of the Three Taylors,” the singer joked on Instagram.

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