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SUS Pharmacy will be moved to the northern region

SUS Pharmacy will be moved to the northern region

Al-Amin puts the final touches on the details of the new site. Photo: Archive / OC

The SUS pharmacy operating at the Hospital da Lega Opera, in the Barcelos neighborhood, where the Cachoeira do Sul health department is also located, will be moved to the north of the city. The information was presented by the Minister of Health, Marcelo Figuero, in an interview with the Cidade Aberta programme, on Radio Fandango 102.5 FM on Tuesday morning (6).

Figuero did not disclose the location because he is still in talks with the building’s owner, but he stressed that the pharmacy will operate near Cinco Esquinas. The secretary’s idea is that the Princesa do Jacuí Center will also work together, which is now located in the INSS building where US 1 is also located, which will be relocated by the end of the year. “US1 will be moved to a building located at the intersection of Conde de Porto Alegre and 15 avenue de Novembro,” he noted, adding that City Hall is making alterations to the building.


The two new health units announced for the Tibiriçá and Fátima beards, respectively, are supposed to start work in 2023. According to Figueiro, some bureaucratic procedures, such as the location of each health center, must be overcome.

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